Access any media. In any format. Anywhere in the world.
TRX is shorthand for “Tape Restoration and Cataloging System.” It is the core engine for backup tape interrogation built from the ground up by SullivanStrickler. It is a single-source repository for every backup format ever deciphered by our engineers. TRX offers limitless flexibility when tackling tapes of unknown origin. This is especially beneficial when restoration work is performed outside of a SullivanStrickler data center. It is fast, flexible and feature rich, enabling different levels of investigation into backups, such as Header Scans, Session Scans, Exchange-only restores, Mailbox identifiers, file-level catalog scans, targeted file restoration, and much more. Currently handling over 25 core backup formats, it is continuously being added to and handles single instance, multi-threaded tapes, and even RAIT/Striped backup tape sets.
TRX exports Invenire load files, which gives users realtime uploads and faster time-to-data for urgent projects. TRX can create image files of tape volumes called TDF’s, and image files of independent backup sessions called TSF’s. The functionality resulting from these are ideal when remediating data and performing defensible deletions, but also for massive consolidation of large tape pools, such as those that might be stored in offsite archives.
If need to retain specific backup sessions (say Exchange) but not others, we do that with the creation of an image file, or .tsf – for “tape session file.” We take the session from single instance or multi-threaded backup environments and effectively remediate or refresh backups without having to incur the costs and time to restore the backups. The value in being able to remediate non legally held or compliance specific data from backups without massive data restoration costs is immense. TRXs is a valid service solution for certain aspects of the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
With TRXd, you can fit the physical volumes of 150 DLT4 tape cartridges onto one LTO7 tape cartridge. We create image files (.tdf – for “tape duplicate file”) of volumes and collect file level metadata as we go which can be imported to Invenire for immediate ability to find files. The native application database/TMS (Tape Management System) need never be altered, or it can be replaced by Invenire. The result is instead of vaulting perhaps 100,000 tapes instead it would be less than 700, Access to source data can be found immediately and restored quickly, directly from the LTO7 device.
We provide legacy data solutions to some of the world’s leading organizations.
We believe companies should have total command of their legacy data.